
外刊赏读 《》:共和党提案使得贫困学生获得免费午餐更加困难

2022-05-24 07:30:01

House Republican proposal would make it harder for poor schools to feed their students ” 的文章。文章聚焦近期贫困地区学校“社区合格”制度改革热点,介绍了帮助贫困孩子获得免费低价午餐的社区合格比例ISP提高牵动各方关注一事,文中表达了作者对贫困学生营养午餐问题的关注,及政策制定者以孩子的健康利益为导向制定政策的建议。,积累相关词汇。


I ①Schools are supposed to help kids build character, socialize, and learn critical thinking and academic content. ②But we also ask schools to do a lot more: to offer extra curricular activities, serve as community centers and feed our children. ③Particularly in low-income areas, where kids come to school with a variety of disadvantages, the successful completion of these varied tasks can require Herculean efforts.

II ①That’s why we should celebrate initiatives that ease the burden on low-income schools. ②The Community Eligibility Provision, enacted in 2010, does just that; the program simplifies the school meal process and helps ensure that kids have something to eat during the school day, all at very little cost.

III ①Some children in low-income households qualify automatically to receive free or reduced-price meals because of homelessness, or receipt of safety-net benefits. ② But other children need to apply for this benefit, and some of the neediest students fall through the cracks. ③The application process creates large amounts of paperwork for school staff members, who must not only process school meal applications, but also, if they want their school to be reimbursed for meals, track who is in which eligibility category during lunchtime.

IV ①Community eligibility solves this problem for high-poverty schools. ②Any school that has an Identified Student Percentage (ISP) of 40 percent —— that is, any school in which 40 percent of the students automatically qualify for free or reduced-price lunch —— can offer free school meals to all of its students.③Participating schools get reimbursed based on student needs; schools with higher ISPs receive higher reimbursements. ④In other words, community eligibility cuts through bureaucracy by eliminating the application and verification processes and substantially simplifying reimbursements.

①  Yet a new proposal by congressional conservatives would restrict community eligibility, substantially increasing administrative burdens in more than 7,000 schools and threatening 3.4 million students’ access to school meals. ②For no good reason that we can see, lawmakers from the Education and the Workforce Committee may vote soon to raise the ISP threshold from 40 percent to 60 percent. ③Because ISP numbers don’t capture low-income students who must typically apply for free or reduced-price meals, this threshold would render all but the highest-poverty schools (generally those in which more than 90 percent of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals)ineligible for community eligibility.

Ⅵ①Raising the threshold would save a little bit of money, as fewer students would qualify for free school meals, but the overall savings of about $1.6 billion over 10 years wouldn’t come close to offsetting the administrative burden, increased social stigma for low-income students, and negative health and academic effects it could create. ②House Republicans propose redirecting these savings to summer food programs for poor students and a higher reimbursement rate for the school breakfast program. ③Good ideas, for sure, but why pit an important program, one that school officials absolutely love, against these other worthy objectives? ④ Instead, we should raise the money necessary (a small amount) to make sure students have breakfasts and lunches during both the school year and the summer. ⑤Committee Chairman John Kline has said that“providing children access to nutritious meals is a priority we all share.”

“House Republican proposal would make it harder for poor schools to feed their students “ By Jared Bernstein and Ben Spielberg May 2 at 6:00 AM


1.  academic content 学业成绩

2.  Herculean effort [,hə:kju'li:ən; 'efət] 极大的努力,艰巨的努力

3.  reduced-price meals 低价午餐

4.  receipt [' rɪ'si:t] n. 发票,收据(超容易读错的一个词!

5*. needy ['niːdɪ] adj. 贫困的;贫穷的;生活艰苦的

6*. reimburse [ri:ɪm'bɜ:s] v. 补偿,归还

7.   eligibility [' elɪdʒə'bɪlətɪ] n. 合格

8.   low-income households  贫困家庭

9.   bureaucracy [bjʊə' rɒkrəsi]  n.

10. conservatives  [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] n. 保守党,保守派

11. verification [verɪfɪ'keɪʃn] n. 确认,核实

12. substantially [səb'stænʃəli] adv.大体上地,实质上地

13. threshold  ['θreʃəʊld] n. 入口,门槛,临界值

14. offset [' ɒfset] v. 抵消,补偿

15*.stigma  ['stɪgmə] 耻辱;污名


I ①Schools are supposed to help kids build character, socialize, and learn critical thinking and academic content. ②But we also ask schools to do a lot more: to offer extra curricular activities, serve as community centers and feed our children. ③Particularly in low-income areas, where kids come to school with a variety of disadvantages, the successful completion of these varied tasks can require Herculean efforts.


点评:I 段通过介绍人们对学校的期待引出话题:贫困地区孩子的需求急需解决。①句介绍学校的社会功能“be supposed to”应当,暗示下文将要介绍学校其他一些职能。②句补充说明学校其他职能:提供课外活动,作为社区中心以及喂饱孩子们的肚子。其中点出“feed our children”孩子学校就餐问题也是关注点之一。③句说明在贫困地区,解决这些需求还需要巨大的努力,“Herculean efforts.”来自大力神赫拉克斯勒的典故,生动说明在贫困地区完成这些任务是极其困难和艰巨的,为下文论述社区合格条例的作用做铺垫。

II ①That’s why we should celebrate initiatives that ease the burden on low-income schools. ②The Community Eligibility Provision, enacted in 2010, does just that; the program simplifies the school meal process and helps ensure that kids have something to eat during the school day, all at very little cost.


点评:II段承接I段介绍社区合格条例。①句承上说明我们应当为减轻贫困地区学校负担的倡议而欣喜。“That’s why”表明本段与上文的因果逻辑关系。Celebrate 意为庆祝,表明作者支持的观点,initiative 此处取其僻意“readiness to embark on bold new ventures”倡议,提议。②句紧接着具体介绍这一倡议,2010年出台的社区合格条例,分号后面的分句详细介绍了条例简化学校低价午餐申请手续,惠及贫困儿童的事实。

III ①Some children in low-income households qualify automatically to receive free or reduced-price meals because of homelessness, or receipt of safety-net benefits. ② But other children need to apply for this benefit, and some of the neediest students fall through the cracks. ③The application process creates large amounts of paperwork for school staff members, who must not only process school meal applications, but also, if they want their school to be reimbursed for meals, track who is in which eligibility category during lunchtime.


点评:III进一步介绍社区合格条例出台的背景。①②句介绍美国关于儿童免费午餐的一些规定,①句指出条例适用的范围:低收入家庭的孩子(Some children in low-income households)及作用的方式:自动符合(qualify automatically)②句说明例外情况:其他有需要的孩子需要额外申请午餐。③顺势说明这一政策的弊端:这样复杂的申请手续会给学校增加额外的文书工作。Not only, but also结构突出这种繁琐手续的诸多不便。

IV ①Community eligibility solves this problem for high-poverty schools. ②Any school that has an Identified Student Percentage (ISP) of 40 percent —— that is, any school in which 40 percent of the students automatically qualify for free or reduced-price lunch —— can offer free school meals to all of its students.③Participating schools get reimbursed based on student needs; schools with higher ISPs receive higher reimbursements. ④In other words, community eligibility cuts through bureaucracy by eliminating the application and verification processes and substantially simplifying reimbursements.


点评:IV段说明社区合格条例的出台解决了一系列的问题。①②③句详细介绍社区合格条例,①句总领全段,指出条例解决了上述问题。②③句分别从学生申请角度和学校报批补贴角度说明条例的作用方式。②引入ISP合格学生比例这一概念,说明在贫困地区,只要一所学校有40%的学生自动符合免费低价午餐申请条件,那么该学校所有学生都自动符合条件,表明这一条例一方面扩大了享受免费午餐的受益人群,另一方面也省去了其他学生申请的麻烦。③句从学校角度说明,学校也可依照ISP确定报批补贴的数额,回应上文,表明此条例节省了学校的麻烦。④做出总结,指出这一条例的本质:简化官僚体制,其中近义词cuts through bureaucracy,eliminating,verification复现,直言这一条例简化手续,改进流程,。

①  Yet a new proposal by congressional conservatives would restrict community eligibility, substantially increasing administrative burdens in more than 7,000 schools and threatening 3.4 million students’ access to school meals. ②For no good reason that we can see, lawmakers from the Education and the Workforce Committee may vote soon to raise the ISP threshold from 40 percent to 60 percent. ③Because ISP numbers don’t capture low-income students who must typically apply for free or reduced-price meals, this threshold would render all but the highest-poverty schools (generally those in which more than 90 percent of students qualify for free or reduced-price meals)ineligible for community eligibility.


点评:Ⅴ转而指出议会保守党意欲改革这一条例的现实。①句笔锋一转(转折词yet),将人们的目光拉回到现实,指出议会保守派议员(congressional conservatives)意欲限制合格学生比例,substantially increasing administrative burdens大规模增加行政管理负担,与threatening 3.4 million students’ access 威胁孩子午餐权利形成鲜明对比,两个数字极言这一改革将会带来的重大负面影响:一方面大规模增加学校负担,另一方面剥夺了大量孩子享受免费午餐的权利,作者质疑的态度呼之欲出。②句明确表示作者对这一条例不看好的态度,for no good reason 表达作者认为这一改革有百害而无一利的态度, 句子主干部分陈述立法者将很快投票将合格比例从40%提升至60%。③句表明立法者提升这一比例的原因及后果:ISP指数无法体现那些必须申请免费午餐的贫困学生, 所以若调高这一比例,则会使除去最贫困地区学校之外的所有学校丧失合格资格。

Ⅵ①Raising the threshold would save a little bit of money, as fewer students would qualify for free school meals, but the overall savings of about $1.6 billion over 10 years wouldn’t come close to offsetting the administrative burden, increased social stigma for low-income students, and negative health and academic effects it could create. ②House Republicans propose redirecting these savings to summer food programs for poor students and a higher reimbursement rate for the school breakfast program. ③Good ideas, for sure, but why pit an important program, one that school officials absolutely love, against these other worthy objectives? ④ Instead, we should raise the money necessary (a small amount) to make sure students have breakfasts and lunches during both the school year and the summer. ⑤Committee Chairman John Kline has said that“providing children access to nutritious meals is a priority we all share.”


点评:Ⅵ段指出指出这种做法的弊端并提出合理建议。①句先退而指出改革确实能够节省开支,as引导原因状语,说明使更少学生符合申请条件方能够节省一点点开支,“a little bit of”一点点,说明提高合格比例带来的好处并非如此厚,转折词but与上文构成让步转折逻辑,指出这项改革的诸多弊端:一方面两个数字“overall savings of about $1.6 billion” 和“10 years”,回应上文“a little bit of money”,说明十年间克扣学生午餐节省下来的开支如九牛一毛,根本无法抵消由此带来的负面影响:包括行政成本、社会名声及孩子们的健康和学业。②句指出众议院提出的这种解决方案:将省下来的资金用于学生暑假餐饮及早餐计划。③句紧承上句先退而指出这种想法不错,但是转而提出质疑:为什么要用废除一个非常重要,学校官员们肯定会喜爱的计划去支持其他有意义的目标呢?④⑤句提出解决建议和呼吁:应当筹集小额资金支持学生暑假餐饮及早餐计划,同时呼吁议员们以学生的切身利益为重,制定合理政策。Instead一方面表明作者反对议会做法的态度,一方面承接上文提出自己的建议。⑤句援引委员会主席的话,说明学生切身利益当为制定政策时首要考虑因素。 

2017真题同源外刊赏读第 82




阅读扩展:Herculean efforts

What is Herculean Effort?

Hercules was a mythological figure of great size and strength. A Herculean effort is to say that one is strong, vigorous and determined in their attempt to achieve a result, as in a Herculean task.

先来看看这里这个叫“Hercules (赫拉克勒斯)“的大力士长啥样↓↓↓












第一件任务,就是勇斗“猛狮”涅墨亚狮子(Nemean Lion),并剥下它的兽皮。










今天是考研倒计时219天,为鼓励同学们继续保持每天坚持看真题同源外刊的好习惯,从今天起至考研初试结束,在外刊赏读发布的24小时内仔细阅读文章并在评论区留言“打卡”二字(当然也可以留下自己的学习这篇文章的心得和疑惑)的同学,黄皮书编辑部将挑选出其中20位打卡数量最多的同学免费提供”复试英文自我介绍修改+复试面试技巧指导“(当然,是在各位同学能进复试的情况下,不过我相信每天跟着黄皮书混的孩子们都会有这个实力)。坚持开始看外刊最好的时间是3个月前,其实就是现在!加油,keep moving!


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