

2020-11-24 16:46:38




NB5-L1  Long time no see!

Bill: Hi, Annie. Long time no see! How are you?

Annie: Im fine, thank you. And you?

Bill: Not bad, thanks. Nice to see you again!

Annie: Nice to see you, too!

Bill: Hows your family?

Annie: Very well.

Bill: Where are you going?

Annie: Im going to visit a school.

Bill: A school?

Annie: Yes! A very beautiful school! Lets go!

Bill: OK!


NB5-L7  What does she look like?

Annie: I have a new friend.

Bill: What does she look like?

Annie: She is tall. She has long straight hair and wears glasses.

Bill: Annie, where is she?

Annie: Look, she is over there!

Bill: Annie, youre crazy!


NB5-L9  What are you doing?

Andy: Look at Annie. Shes very busy. What are you doing, Annie?

Bill: What are you doing, Annie? Is she making a house?

Andy: I dont know.

Bill: Whats she doing?

Andy: Lets ask.  What are you doing, Annie?

Annie: Im making a box.

Andy: What for?

Annie: Its a secret. Go away!

NB5-L13  what kind of pet do you have?

Bill: Guess what? I have a pet!

Annie: I have a pet, too.

Bill: Annie, what kind of pet do you have?

Annie: Can you guess? Its green. Bill, what kind of pet do you have?

Bill: Can you guess? Its black. Lets show our pets at the same time.

Annie: OK

Together: One, two, three!

Annie: Oh, no! Its a spider!

Bill: Aargh! Its a lizard!



NB6-L3  I like running.

Annie: Whats your hobby, Bill?

Bill: I like reading. Annie, whats your hobby?

Annie: I like running.

Bill: Whats your hobby, Andy?

Andy: I like singing and dancing.

Bill: Whats your brothers hobby?

Andy: He likes playing tennis. Look! Hes over there. Watch out!

Bill: Oh, no!

Andys brother: Oh, Im sorry!

Andy: Are you OK, Bill?

Bill: My head hurts.


NB6-L9  May I speak to Bill, please?

Annie: Hello. May I speak to Bill, please?

Andy: Hold on, please.

Bill: Hello. This is Bill speaking.

Annie: Hello. Bill. This is Annie.

Bill: Hi, Annie. How are you?

Annie: Great! Im in China now. Im on the Great Wall.

Bill: Wow, amazing! Is it interesting?

Annie: Yes, it is. Oh, no!

Bill: Whats wrong, Annie? Are you OK?

Annie: My hats gone. Ahh! Help! Help!


NB7-L10  Can I have a bag, please?

Polly: We are at B8. Its the market.

Max: Look, theres Q-boy.

Q-boy: How much is the yellow ball, please?

Man: I dont have a yellow ball. Do you mean this melon?

     Its a dollar.

Q-boy: How much are the oranges?

Man: Five for a dollar.

Q-boy: Can I have five, please? And the melon.

Man: Five oranges and the melon. Thats two dollars, please.

Q-boy: Oh, no! Can I have a bag, please?

Man: Sure. Here you are.

Rose: Look at the bag! Thats our next clue. Go to B2.



NB7-L16  Do you have any ketchup, please?

Polly: Where is C4?

Max: Oh, were lost. Lets eat a sandwich.

Rose: Look, theres restaurant.

Max: Im very hungry, Polly.

Polly: But I dont have any money.

Rose: I have some money.

Waitress: Can I help you?

Rose: I want a hamburger. What would you like?

Polly: Id like some fries.

Max: Id like a sandwich.

Rose: Do you have any ketchup, please?

Max/Polly: Oh, no! Poor Rose.


NB8-L1  Where were you yesterday?

Rose: Wheres Pete?

Max: I dont know. He wasnt at Q-boys party last night.

Rose: I cant remember.

Polly: You were asleep, Rose.

Rose: Whats wrong with him?

Polly: I dont know. Lets go find him.

Polly: Hi, Pete. Where were you yesterday?

Pete: Hello. I was sick at home.

Rose: Look! Theres a robot.

Pete: Its a magic box.

Miss Electra: Hi, everyone. Whats that?

Polly: It’s a robot.

Miss Electra: Oh, its so cute..

Electrobox: Hello. My names Electrobox. I come from the future.

            Nice to meet you!

Together: Amazing!

Pete: Whats this?

Miss Electra: Its a keypad, a magic keypad.  Lets press PEN

Pete: Look! Its a pen!         

Together: Fantastic!


NB8-L10  I dont think so.

Pete: Here we are. But wheres the Timebox?

Miss Electra: Lets ask the museum guide.

Pete: Excuse me. Where are the robots, please?

Museum guide: In Room Ten. Go left and then right.

Pete: Thank you. Were in Room Ten now.

Rose: The Timebox is over there.

Miss Electra: Get into the Timebox with me. Lets travel in time.

Rose: It sounds interesting.

Pete: I dont think so.

Q-boy: Where are you going? Wait for Polly and Max.

Miss Electra: Im sorry. I pressed the wrong button.








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