

2020-12-25 13:18:28


The  Scarlet Letter》的作者是美国浪漫主义作家Nathaniel Hawthorne,霍桑的大部分小说都对罪恶有着详尽的描述。他认为每个人的内心都存在罪恶的念,心灵和灵魂的罪恶比肉体的罪恶更普遍。特别是读他的代表作《The  Scarlet Letter》时,你可以体会到作者悲观的态度及内心的挣扎。 The  Scarlet Letter》惯用象征手法,人物、情节和语言都颇具主观想象色彩,在描写中又常把人的心理活动和直觉放在首位,它不仅是美国浪漫主义小说的代表作,同时也被称作是美国心理分析小说的开创篇,因此值得我们细细品读。


The  Scarlet Letter》(《红字》)讲述了发生在北美殖民时期的恋爱悲剧。在英格兰时,女主人公海丝特·白兰嫁给了医生奇灵渥斯,他们之间却没有爱情,之后海丝特·白兰来到美国寻找丈夫,然而两年多都没有找到。在孤独中海丝特与丁梅斯代尔,一个年轻俊美,学识渊博,在教民中有着极高的威望的牧师,相恋并生下女儿珠儿。未婚生女的海丝特被当众惩罚,戴上标志通奸的红色A字示众。然而海丝特坚贞不屈,拒不说出孩子的父亲。在绞刑台上,海丝特发现她的丈夫齐灵渥斯出现了,他发誓要向海丝特及她的情人复仇。通过观察,齐灵渥斯发现牧师丁梅斯代尔最有嫌疑,因此他以医生的身份与丁梅斯代尔形影相随。齐灵渥斯精心地实施着他的复仇计划,他利用丁梅斯代尔牧师敏感、富于想象的特点,抓住他的负罪心理,折磨他的心灵,丁梅斯代尔因此也变得越来越虚弱。7年后,在了解奇灵渥斯真实身份和意图后,丁梅斯代尔决定和海丝特母女一起出走寻找新生活。然而这一切都在齐灵渥斯的掌控之中。最终,丁梅斯代尔内心的负罪感及良心的谴责战胜了他出逃的意志,在绞刑台上,他带着海丝特和珠儿,在众人面前说出了在心底埋藏了七年的秘密,他就是小珠儿的父亲,在众人的惊惧之声中,这个受尽蹂躏的灵魂辞世了。齐灵渥斯把复仇当作他生活的唯一目的,可是当他胜利后,他扭曲的心灵再也找不到依托,不到一年,他死了,他把遗产赠给了小珠儿。不久,海丝特和小珠儿也走了。


节选欣赏: Chapter1-2(本节所需词汇量2500左右)

A crowd of bearded men and tired-looking women in poor clothing stood in front of the door to the prison. The original residents of the town had built a prison and a cemetery before constructing most other buildings in the town. The frightening-looking prison was quite near the cemetery; inside the prison, the main view through the window was of the cemetery. Like all that relates to crime, it seemed that the prison never looked youthful or new, but rather looked always ugly and terrifying.

In front of the prison was a piece of grass, on which a great amount of  weeds had grown. Just near the door to the prison, however, grew a wild rosebush, covered in tender blossoms. One could imagine this to be a last offering of beauty to the prisoner as he went into the feared place, showing nature's pity and kindness.

When the strict Puritans ruled Boston, rather harmless mistakes were considered serious and shameful. Perhaps, a child would be beaten in the town square as a punishment for being ungrateful to his parents. A small crime was considered to be as terrible as the worst of crime, and criminals were punished strictly. The criminals would find no pity from the crowd, as the townspeople stood watching eagerly as the prisoner suffered greatly.

The door of the prison sprang open, and there appeared, like a black shadow coming into the sunshine, the prison guard, with a sword at his side. This person represented the strictness of Puritan law, which it was his duty to give the final punishment to the criminals. He carried his sword in his left hand, and laid his right hand on the shoulder of a young woman, who he dragged forward. At the doorway to the prison, she resisted him, showing her bravery and independence, as she stepped into the sunlight. She held a child, a baby of three months old, who turned its head from the light. The baby's life had, until then, been only in the dark prison, it had never seen the light of day.

When the young woman — the mother of this child — stood in front of the crowd, she held the baby close to her chest, not to show motherly love, but to hide her sign of punishment. In a moment, however, she showed the front of her dress to the waiting crowd. They soon viewed an elegantly sewn letter "A", which was artistically done in fine red cloth surrounded by rich gold thread. The rare piece showed a great amount of skill, which Hester had done herself.

The young woman was tall, with grace and elegance. She had a great amount of dark hair that shown in the sunlight, and a face more beautiful than any other, with dark, mysterious eyes. She was polite and well-mannered, with a tender look. She had never looked as elegant and lady like than ever before when she was taken out of the prison. Many in the crowd were astonished that her look of grace and confidence remained after her long stay in the prison of terrors. Her beauty shone through her misfortune. Her clothes, which she had made for the occasion, seemed to show her spirit, full of disobedience and strength. Everyone in the crowd was attracted to the fantastically sewn letter on her chest. Both men and women stared at the grand piece of needlework on Hester's chest.

Hester looked proud during her shameful walk; she did not show the great pain she suffered, as if her heart had been torn from her body and thrown on the street for all to observe. She was then taken to a platform in the middle of the market place, where she was told to stand so all the town could see her in her shame. Hester's punishment was to stand for a certain amount of time on the platform. She walked up the steps, and was then displayed to the surrounding crowd, looking high and strong. This beautiful woman, holding her child to her chest, looked much like the ideal picture of motherhood, but for Hester Prynne, she had committed the most evil of crimes a woman could.

The crowd was curious about the grand letter sewn onto her chest, although with their silence, they also gave Hester a great deal of guilt and shame to feel. The leaders of the town, who stood together on a balcony looking down at Hester, showed nothing but angry shame. The crowd, thus, did the same. Hester hoped that the crowd, with its hateful looks, was instead laughing at her, so she could give a bitter, proud smile. She felt, at the moment, as if she needed to scream and throw herself from the platform to her death, but she could not.

Yet, as she stood proudly to bear her punishment, the crowd disappeared, at times, as she remembered events from her life before this terrible affair had begun. She remembered school days, sports, childish quarrels, and her years as a young woman. Perhaps these memories were her spirit attempting to relieve her troubled mind from the terrible stress of the current punishment. Standing there, high above the crowd, she remembered her home village, far away in England, and her parents' home, small yet noble. She remembered her father's face, covered in a white beard; her mother's too, with a look of anxious love, always worried about her daughter's choices in life. Hester remembered her own face as a young woman, full of girlish beauty. Then, she remembered the face of an older man, pale and thin, always studying and reading, with a misshapen left shoulder. This was the face of her husband, who promised to meet her in America, although she had left for the new country more than two years ago. Next, she remembered her first days in the new city in America, with its narrow streets, the tall, gray houses, the huge churches, and the public buildings, rather old and plain. Lastly, she remembered her punishment, staring at the crowd of people, showing her looks of hate. Yes, it was she, Hester Prynne, they were staring at, holding a small child in her arms, and the letter "A" in scarlet, elegantly sewn with gold thread upon her chest!

Could it be true? She held the child closely, then looked down at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the child and the shame were real. Yes! — These were her realities — all else in her life was gone!



1. The frightening-looking prison was quite near the cemetery; inside the prison, the main view through the window was of the cemetery. Like all that relates to crime, it seemed that the prison never looked youthful or new, but rather looked always ugly and terrifying.,犯人内心的绝望)

3. In front of the prison was a piece of grass, on which a great amount of weeds had grown. Just near the door to the prison, however, grew a wild rosebush, covered in tender blossoms. One could imagine this to be a last offering of beauty to the prisoner as he went into the feared place, showing nature's pity and kindness.

4. She remembered her first days in the new city in America, with its narrow streets, the tall, gray houses, the huge churches, and the public buildings, rather old and plain.


1. A crowd of bearded men and tired-looking women in poor clothing stood in front of the door to the prison.(人物细节描写反映出阶层)

2. The young woman was tall, with grace and elegance. She had a great amount of dark hair that shown in the sunlight, and a face more beautiful than any other, with dark, mysterious eyes. She was polite and well-mannered, with a tender look.(描写出鲜活的人物)

3. Her beauty shone through her misfortune.

4. she remembered the face of an older man, pale and thin, always studying and reading, with a misshapen left shoulder.(描写出鲜活的人物)


1. The criminals would find no pity from the crowd, as the towns people stood watching eagerly as the prisoner suffered greatly.现在分词及副词,体现人物性格

2. The door of the prison sprang open, and there appeared, like a black shadow coming into the sunshine, the prison guard, with a sword at his side.

3. He carried his sword in his left hand, and laid his right hand on the shoulder of a young woman, who he dragged forward. (他是法律的维护者)

4. At the doorway to the prison, she resisted him, showing her bravery and independence, as she stepped into the sunlight. ( 人物性格)

5. She held the baby close to her chest, not to show motherly love, but to hide her sign of punishment. ( 人物性格)

6. Everyone in the crowd was attracted to the fantastically sewn letter on her chest. Both men and women stared at the grand piece of needlework on Hester's chest.(他人的行为说明海丝特手艺了得)

7. Hester looked proud during her shameful walk; she did not show the great pain she suffered, as if her heart had been torn from her body and thrown on the street for all to observe.(人物性格)

8. She walked up the steps, and was then displayed to the surrounding crowd, looking high and strong.(人物性格)

9. Hester hoped that the crowd, with its hateful looks, was instead laughing at her, so she could give a bitter, proud smile.(人物性格)

10. Yet, as she stood proudly to bear her punishment(人物性格)

11. She remembered her punishment, staring at the crowd of people, showing her looks of hate.


有个女孩出生在一个富有的家庭,曾经过着幸福的生活。但是因为一次意外,她的父母去世,她不得不承当起教养她妹妹的重任。生活让她变得更加坚强。请设计情节时适当增加外貌描写 。




A young girl was born in a  family full of happiness .She, with dark and mysterious eyes, had a great amount of dark hair that shone in the sunlight. She used to have faith that she would have a gay life with her family forever. However, an unexpected accident ,in which her parents lost their lives, ruined all. On hearing the awful news, she did not show the great pain she suffered but gently comforted her sad sister. In order to support the family, the girl had to work day and night. Tired-looking as  she was, she  always talked to her sisiter with a tender look . It was her bravery and independence that led her sisiter to step  into the sunlight.



1.  一个满脸胡子的老人坐在咖啡馆,看着路过的人群,一脸落寞。


2. 疲惫的妈妈带着苦涩的笑低声说“我们别无选择,只能放弃治疗。”


3. 她是一个优雅的妇女,有着乌黑的长发和深邃的黑色眼睛。


4. 这个学生积极地记录老师说的话,展示出他的专心。


Answers :

1. A bearded man sat in a café, staring at the walking crowd , showing his looks of loneliness

2. We have no alternative but to give up the treatment.  the tired-looking mother said in a low voice ,with a bitter smile.

3. She is a elegent woman, with a great amount of dark hair dark, mysterious eyes.

4. The student actively took down what the teacher said, showing his devotion.


策划、后期编辑:Carrie Wang 

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