
仙山露意大利的甜蜜生活x米家思 Cinzano La Dolce Vita - Beijing at Migas Mercado

2022-03-29 08:41:10

Cinzano Sparkling Wine 仙山露起泡酒

意大利的甜美生活 La Dolce Vita

源自意大利的起泡酒品牌 “Cinzano仙山露” ,继去年在上海拉开首场260周年庆祝活动的帷幕后,今年在北京继续举办庆祝活动。6月2日当天更是意大利国庆节,让大家感受意大利的生活方式。

6月2日本周六,温暖和煦的下午,在CBD最美的露台之一,Migas Mercado 露台上品尝Cinzano仙山露起泡酒和鸡尾酒,同时享受户外意大利老电影La Dolce Vita、品牌经典的古董海报及现场爵士音乐。更可以领略意大利国宝品牌 Vespa 摩托车以及意大利国民鞋 SUPERGA ,尽享无限的意大利风情。

Italy sparkling wine brand "Cinzano" will continue the 260th anniversary celebrations that started in Shanghai last year. On 2nd of June (Saturday), we will celebrate the joy of Italian culture and lifestyle in Beijing, while also marking Festa della Repubblica, the Italian National Day.

It differs for everyone but for us, a summer afternoon spent sipping sparkling wine and toasting “cin cin” (aka "cheers" in Italian) comes very close. Get your own taste of La Dolce Vita with Cinzano Sparkling Wine at Migas Mercado balcony.


你可能在欧洲旅游时经常在餐厅、酒吧见过这些海报。Leonetto Cappiello (卡皮耶洛)- 这位诞生于18世纪的美术家,被称为 “现代广告之父” 。他是第一位在海报上用粗体数字配上黑色的背景的美术家,与早期的海报呈现出惊人的不同,为海报设计带来创新。他的职业生涯创作了超过 530 张广告海报。今天,他的海报原稿仍然被世界各地的收藏家收藏和拍卖。活动上这些古董海报将会制作成油画展出。

Cinzano iconic advertising posters

Cinzano is also famous for its iconic advertising posters, some of which will be on display at the event. Over the years, Cinzano collaborated with the most daring artists of time allowing the brand to evolve alongside popular culture.


一个温暖和煦的下午,坐在正对北京CCTV大厦的露台上,喝一杯Cinzano仙山露起泡酒或鸡尾酒,看看意大利老电影,听听爵士音乐,这就是意大利的 “La Dolce Vita”。

La Dolce Vita summer afternoon

Mention Italy and for most people, the phrase that instantly comes to mind is “La Dolce Vita”. But what really is “La Dolce Vita”? It differs for everyone but for us, a summer afternoon spent sipping sparkling wine and toasting “cin cin” (aka "cheers" in Italian) comes very close. 


此次参与活动的品牌包括意大利国民鞋 SUPERGA 和国宝摩托车 VESPA!宝宝们可以马上变身奥黛丽·赫本姐姐疯狂打卡。拍照之余,品尝意大利的美食美酒,让你完全进入了意大利的世界。

The best of the Italian lifestyle

Cinzano has also invited with Italian scooter brand Vespa and Italian footwear brand Superga to showcase the best of the Italian lifestyle. Get your photo take on a Vespa and pretend you are Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday zipping through the streets of Rome! 


票价:预售票每位 ¥150元 (6月1号停止网上售票),请扫描下方二维码或点击“阅读原文”购票。


* 预售票已经包括了5杯Cinzano仙山露起泡酒,一杯Aperol Spritz 鸡尾酒,一套意大利美食,一只赠予您的复古香槟杯和参加现场游戏。


Pre-sale tickets for the event are priced at RMB 150, including five glasses of Cinzano sparkling wine, an Aperol spritz, a selection of the Italian canapé and a vintage champagne glass to take home. Please scan QR code below or click "Read more" to pruchase the ticket.
Pre-sale tickets will not be available on the door, although there will be drinks deals on the day.


取票方式:现场取票 / Ticket pickup at the door
票券一经售出,概不退换 / Non-refundable 
请勿自带酒水饮料和食物等到现场 / 
Please do not bring your own drinks and food

No children are allowed to participate in this event until they have reached the age of 18.

饮酒不开车;理性饮酒 / Do not drive when you are drinking; Drink Responsibly

图片仅供参考 / Pictures for the reference only


Migas Mercado

7th Floor, North Zone, China World Mall, No. 1 Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue, Chaoyang District, 100004 Beijing


+86 010-65007579


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